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By James Pruitt, Senior Staff Writer

  • The Pandemic is the Time to Snag Deals for your Business:

Sadly, many businesses will fail during the pandemic. Inventory from these businesses may spread far and wide across the market. Bargain hunters can rejoice. Like a phoenix arising from its ashes, new businesses can feed on the detritus from this economic event.

The pandemic has slowed or even shut down sectors of the economy. This downtime can provide opportunities to adapt to changes to come. Failing businesses from this past cycle may provide starter kits for new endeavors going forward. A veteran business owner may have discovered a recipe they can sell online. Perhaps a restaurant has failed and must unload cooking equipment. A budding home entrepreneur can make a deal to each party’s mutual benefit.

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Paradoxically, dire economic circumstances provide opportunities to adapt and flourish in a new environment. As the marketplace changes, feel free to take advantage. The pandemic has spilled cheap equipment and inventory widely across the economy. Efficient use of these resources helps everyone.

  • Opportunities to Adapt to New Paradigms:

On a related note, consider the nature of new businesses post-pandemic. The “downtime” from this economic shutdown may provide opportunities to consider new directions moving forward. Especially notable, experimentation with “at-home work” has called the traditional workplace into question. Furthermore, the pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of economic life.

Shares of companies such as Zoom and Netflix ballooned after March of 2020. Consider the topography of the economy in years to come. What about the next time consumers must “shelter in place?” What companies will support these new demands as further crises occur? What companies will support these companies?

With the Pandemic, we are seeing shifts in company operations. COVID-19 forced

experimentation into new workplace paradigms. Few could have expected such a rapid shift to a work-from-home model.

The spark of inspiration can strike like a bolt of lightening upon consideration of the new economic landscape that faces us.

  • Opportunities to Acquire Businesses:

Great opportunities abound for the purchase of smaller businesses.  With these sales come all the attendant intellectual property, networks, logos, and attendant goodwill.

An entrepreneur with a new idea may find diverse reasons to purchase a company in this market. The brilliant idea of the next new business owner may have a near-doppelganger elsewhere. A similar business may have filled a similar niche that became obsolete.

One classic example may be a brick-and-mortar music store that lost its market share with the rise of online streaming. It would be a shame to waste the resources of that business as they become less successful in a shifting economy. Sometimes, in everyone’s interest is the optimal use of that company’s resources. Mergers and sales may preserve the dynamism of these venues. Many such businesses are ready for changes in management in the wake of the pandemic.

The Bottom Line:

The pandemic has affected some profound developments in the economy, and accelerated others. Such is the nature of economic change. In everyone’s interest is a dynamic, conscientious engagement with these changes. Whether exploring new ideas or re-purposing older resources, veteran entrepreneurs can look forward to endless opportunities in the years to come.

VAMBOA, the Veterans and Military Business Owners Association hopes that this article has been helpful.   We work hard to bring you important, positive, helpful and timely information and are the “go to” online venue for Veteran and Military Business Owners.  VAMBOA is a non-profit trade association.   We do not charge members any dues or fees and members can also use our seal on their collateral and website.   If you are not yet a member, you can register here:

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