In Recognition of Military Veterans Appreciation Month
The Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
HUD Veterans Affinity Group
hosts Veterans Small Business Forum
‘Overcoming Barriers to Becoming a Successful Veteran Entrepreneur in the Federal Marketplace’
Keynote Speaker
Jennifer Carroll
Former Lieutenant Governor Florida
Naval Officer (Ret)
Monday, May 12, 2014
9 am – 1 pm
HUD Brooke – Mondale Auditorium
451 7th Street, S.W.
South Visitors Entrance
Washington, DC 20410
All are Welcomed to Attend
You Must Register not later than May 7th
If Participating by Phone
Send email to
(805) 399-1200
Code 877589#
(Call in lines will open up at 945 am following onsite reception)
Please be mindful to mute your phone using *6 when listening then you may press *6 again to unmute when you are speaking. Thank You!